[0.2.7] ▹ 2024-07-26
- Challonge tours - filtered by game Starcraft
- Challonge tours - better initial loading of tour data
- Added Linktree and Ko-fi links to footer
- Tournament Replay stats: enable browsing through multiple replaypacks/tournaments
[0.2.6] ▹ 2024-07-17
- Properly draw underline in header menu on Tour stats page
- Ladder stats: updated season data and make it refresh cache on new project version
[0.2.5] ▹ 2024-05-03
- Stormgate: changed to new Stormgate API (
[0.2.4] ▹ 2024-02-05
- Stormgate: added czsk Stormgate ladder page
- Stormgate streams announcements to Discord promo channel
[0.2.3] ▹ 2024-01-19
- Tournament Replay stats: Overview of the tournament based on the collected replays. Potentially easily reusable.
- Added extra backup logic/options for profile links in tournament signups
- Migrated server to VPS
[0.2.2] ▹ 2023-08-07
- PMǂ: added Passion Mercs page
- PMǂ matches: overview of clan war matches played
- PMǂ players: player stats in clan war leagues
- PMǂ player: individual player page
- Updated CSS country flags
- Adjusted CSS win/loss colors
[0.2.1] ▹ 2023-07-06
- Changelog: added an overview of the changes to the web app and related services
- Version number in the footer
[0.2.0] ▹ 2023-05-31
- Ladder stats: reworked line chart and added league histogram
- Ladder stats: filtering out outliers caused by season change or API issues
- Analytics: added
>5 wins
column to Pariahs' stats query
[0.1.0] ▹ 2017-03-16
- initial release